Do you belong in Supernatural, Doctor Who, or Sherlock?
Do you belong in Supernatural, Doctor Who, or Sherlock?
Which of the Holy Trinity do you belong to? Hunting with the epicly hot Sam, Dean, and Cas, investigating with the studious Sherlock, or exploring with the infamous Doctor?
Which of the Holy Trinity do you belong to? Hunting with the epicly hot Sam, Dean, and Cas, investigating with the studious Sherlock, or exploring with the infamous Doctor? your favorite color?
What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
Pick a pet!
Finish the song lyric number ONE! (this one's easy!!) Carry on my _____________!
Finish the song lyrics number TWO! AH, ah, ah, ah, stayin' ___________
What is your favorite hobby? (Obviously Misha's is being adorable ^.^)
Favorite actor??
Okay, here's a freebie. Favorite show? (I KNOW!! SUCH A HARD QUESTION!!!)
let fate decide!!
Pick a year!!
You belong hunting with the three beauties! Luck you! You're clearly good at murdering things, dying, and loving pie! Good for you! :) Have fun trekking across the U.S. in baby!
Doctor Who!
Doctor Who!
You belong exploring space with the ever-changing doctor! And even though 11 is my favorite, they're all fab! Have fun, and tell the stars and their inhabitants hello for me! :D
You must be very smart for Sherlock to want to work with you! Or good with a gun. :) Either way, have fun investigating these brutal mishaps in good 'ol London with the odd duo of John and Sherlock! Btw, don't stare at Sherly's eyes too much, you might go mad from pure beauty. :D