'Hamilton': Fact or Fiction?
'Hamilton': Fact or Fiction?
You already know that Lin-Manuel Miranda’s “Hamilton” is based on the life of our nation’s first secretary of the treasury. And, more specifically, it’s inspired by Ron Chernow’s bestselling biography “Alexander Hamilton,” which Miranda read while on vacation — beginning a journey that would lead to a Broadway production, Tony Awards and a production in Chicago. But Miranda took some liberties with Hamilton’s real history. Which parts of “Hamilton” are based on fact and which moments veer into fiction?
You already know that Lin-Manuel Miranda’s “Hamilton” is based on the life of our nation’s first secretary of the treasury. And, more specifically, it’s inspired by Ron Chernow’s bestselling biography “Alexander Hamilton,” which Miranda read while on vacation — beginning a journey that would lead to a Broadway production, Tony Awards and a production in Chicago. But Miranda took some liberties with Hamilton’s real history. Which parts of “Hamilton” are based on fact and which moments veer into fiction?

In “The Schuyler Sisters,” Angelica raps, “And when I meet Thomas Jefferson, / I’m ‘a compel him to include women in the sequel!” Is it fact or fiction that the two never met?
In “You’ll Be Back,” King George sings, “When you’re gone / I’ll go mad.” Fact or fiction?
In “Right Hand Man,” Hamilton gets a bright idea: “Yo, let’s steal their cannons.” Did the actual Hamilton ever cop a cannon?
In “Right Hand Man,” Washington asks: “Are these the men with which I am to defend America?” Did the general ever say this?
In “Satisfied,” Angelica sings, “My father has no sons so I’m the one / Who has to social climb for one.” Fact? Fiction?
The song “Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down)” marks a victory for the American forces. Did the British troops march out to the same tune at the end of Miranda’s song?
In “Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down),” Hamilton raps, “The code word is ‘Rochambeau,’ dig me?” Actual, factual code?
In “What’d I Miss,” Madison gets Jefferson up to date: “Hamilton’s new financial plan is nothing less than government control. / I’ve been fighting for the South alone.” Did Madison take issue with Hamilton’s plan?
In the Act 1 closer “Non-Stop,” Angelica says she’s “sailing off to London” accompanied by a wealthy husband. Did this happen after the birth of Hamilton’s child?
In “Take a Break,” Angelica sings, “In a letter I received from you two weeks ago / I noticed a comma in the middle of a phrase. / It changed the meaning. Did you intend this?” Is this based in fact or fiction?
Hamilton writes “The Reynolds Pamphlet” in “Hamilton,” thereby authoring his own, and what was arguably the nation’s first political sex scandal. Too outrageous to be true?
In “The Election of 1800,” Jefferson and Aaron Burr battle for the presidency. But did they really?
At the end of “Hamilton” — spoiler alert — Aaron Burr kills Alexander Hamilton in a duel.
In “Aaron Burr, Sir” Hamilton tells Burr, “I wanted to do what you did graduate in two and join the revolution.” Was that Hamilton’s plan upon arriving in America?
In the opening number “Alexander Hamilton,” Burr raps, “Well the word got around, they said, ‘This kid is insane, man.’ Took up a collection just to send him to the mainland.” Is that how Hamilton ended up in New York?
In “Aaron Burr, Sir” Hamilton alludes to punching the bursar while he was trying to get into Princeton. True?
Did John Adams fire Hamilton during his administration, as played out in “The Adams Administration” in Act 2?
In “Hamilton,” the only child of Alexander and Eliza who the audience meets is Philip. Did the Hamiltons have a small family?