Can You Name the Best College?
Can You Name the Best College?
We’ve ranked colleges by their overall value, but do you know the winners in individual categories?
We’ve ranked colleges by their overall value, but do you know the winners in individual categories?

Which college's alumni report the highest average salary within five years of graduating?
Which college's alumni report the highest average salary after about 15 years in the workforce?
Which college has the lowest estimated net price of a degree in our rankings?
What is the most affordable college for families with incomes of less than $30,000?
At what college are you most likely to get merit aid if you don't have financial need?
We included a new measure in this year's ranking to weigh how fulfilled graduates are in their jobs. Where do the highest share of alumni report their jobs make the world a better place?
Which college has the highest six-year graduation rate?
Which public college excels at getting their graduates to earn a degree the quickest?
Extra credit: Which college has the highest estimated net price of a degree in our rankings?