Find Out If You Have the Qualities of a Millionaire
Find Out If You Have the Qualities of a Millionaire
See how you measure up on the four key personality traits that millionaires share—and learn how you can do better and reach your financial goals.
See how you measure up on the four key personality traits that millionaires share—and learn how you can do better and reach your financial goals.
How often have you felt you had the ability to build or maintain wealth?
When you've made a bad investment decision in the past, how have you typically handled it?
When you've made a significant purchase on your own—say a car or home—how have you typically managed it?
In the past, how often have had difficulty spending less than your household earns?
How often have you purchased an expensive item that you knew would be difficult to afford?
Which of the following best describes you?
I take responsibility for the financial outcomes of my household.
How often do you wish someone else would manage your household's finances?
Any success I've had has come from:
How would your friends and neighbors describe the cars, clothes, gadgets, or accessories that you've purchased in the past 12 months?
I have little interest in what my friends and neighbors buy.
I am comfortable driving, wearing, and buying cars, clothes, or accessories that are out of style.
Low Millionaire Potential
Low Millionaire Potential
You have work to do!
• CONFIDENCE: You tend to be less than confident than others in your ability to plan, invest, and manage your money. Learning more about personal finance can help boost your confidence and improve your outlook.
• RESPONSIBILITY: You see luck as playing a significant role in your success or failure. That mindset might be keeping you from building and maintaining wealth. You need to create your own opportunities.
• FRUGALITY: You are less frugal than others. Even if it’s just pennies a day, money is slipping out of your wallet.
• SOCIAL INDIFFERENCE: Your spending is influenced by what others wear, drive, and buy—and your wallet is taking a hit as a result. Maybe go easy on the Facebook time.
Medium Millionaire Potential
Medium Millionaire Potential
Okay, but you can do better.
• CONFIDENCE: You tend to be confident in some areas of personal finance, but less confident in others. Work on your knowledge and skills in areas where you feel like you struggle.
• RESPONSIBILITY: You take some responsibility for your household’s financial success. But you may also believe luck and hard work play a part. Do better by taking responsibility for your financial decisions rather than relying to any extent on "luck."
• FRUGALITY: Your spending behaviors are about as frugal as the larger population, but you could push it more. If you want to build wealth faster, this is probably a good place to start.
• SOCIAL INDIFFERENCE: Your spending behaviors are sometimes influenced by what others wear, drive, and buy. Be alert to the impact that marketing messages and your friends’ spending habits may have on you.
High Millionaire Potential
High Millionaire Potential
Congrats. Keep up the good work!
• CONFIDENCE: You tend to be confident in your ability to manage your own financial affairs. You view yourself as a savvy investor and have a healthy level of concern about your household's financial well-being.
• RESPONSIBILITY: You take responsibility for your household’s financial success, which you chalk up to hard work, your decision-making, and competence rather than luck.
• FRUGALITY: You are more frugal than the larger population. It looks like you have one of the most surprising and important characteristics of those who are serious about accumulating wealth.
• SOCIAL INDIFFERENCE: Your spending behaviors are not easily influenced by what others wear, drive, or buy. Advertisements, sales pitches, and the lifestyles of those around you do not easily influence your habits.