Which Arrow Character Are You?
Which Arrow Character Are You?
Find out if your the daring Oliver Queen or the protective Captain Lance in this brilliant quiz!
Find out if your the daring Oliver Queen or the protective Captain Lance in this brilliant quiz!

How do you like to help in battle?
Whats your best value?
How do you fight?
What is your worst value?
How do you like your friends?
What do you desire most in the world?
How would you defeat an enemy?
Oliver Queen
Oliver Queen
You are Oliver Queen. Dedicated to protecting your city you are hard working caring and when you put your mind to something you are determined to finish it. As the Arrow/Green arrow you are skilled as an archer and overall fighter.
Thea Queen
Thea Queen
You got Thea Queen. She is kind caring but has a quick temper on her. She is also known to fight crime with her brother Oliver Queen.
Roy Harper
Roy Harper
You got Roy Harper. He is originally a side kick of the Arrow but had to leave to save Oliver Queen. He is extremely brave and will go miles to save his friends.
John Diggle
John Diggle
You got John Diggle. He is a highly respected member of team arrow and is Oliver Queen's best friend. He is always ready to jump into a fight and doesn't forget a vendetta easily.
Felicity Smoak
Felicity Smoak
You got Felicity Smoke. She is unbelievable intelligent and is always switched on to her surroundings. She loves adventure and can't live happily without it.
Sarah Lance
Sarah Lance
You got Sarah Lance. She is amazingly skilled and has spent time in the league of assassins. But sometimes has trouble with not being so brutal to her enemies.
Laurel Lance
Laurel Lance
You got Laurel Lance. She is Hard working and determined and has transformed herself into the crime fighting hero black canary. But she sometimes has issues with the tragedys she has experienced.
Captain Lance
Captain Lance
You got Captain Lance. He is very caring but can sometimes let his emotions take advantage of him. He loves his family greatly and will do anything to protect them.