What Twenty One Pilots era are you?
What Twenty One Pilots era are you?
Is your song in the Blurryface era? The Regional at Best era? Or maybe self-titled?? Find out!!!!
Is your song in the Blurryface era? The Regional at Best era? Or maybe self-titled?? Find out!!!!

What do you think of Josh's eye makeup?
Pick a favorite song!!!
Favorite colors?
Pick an outfit...
Choose a t-shirt!
What other band do you like the most?
Self-titled/Vessel Era
Self-titled/Vessel Era
This means you like to focus on instrumentals and sadness but enjoy nature and early mornings, occasionally you feel in a spooky skeleton mood. You get really pumped when you hear about twenty one pilots, simply because they are your entire life. You want to invite Tyler and Josh (and Jenna of course) to your wedding.
Regional At Best
Regional At Best
Rarest era, you tend to stay to the back and don't mind not having tons of friends or not being really popular. You prefer to focus on the angry types of sadness but also love having dreams AND nightmares, you just like going on adventures in your mind.
Newest and most popular era, you like being cool and edgy. You want to be "grunge" and be famous online. You like dark makeup if you had enough energy to actually do your makeup sometimes!! You prefer to stay up late and sleep in because you're a "dark soul". Also, you already have your funeral-playlist picked out, which of course includes Message Man.