What Is Your Patronus?

Is it a Stag, like Harry, an Otter, like Hermione, a Jack Russell Terrier, like Ron, or are you not capable of producing one, like Draco?

Morgan Pruitt
Created by Morgan Pruitt (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Which of the following is your biggest goal in life?

What is your favorite subject at Hogwarts?

You notice someone has dropped a pile of money on the street. What do you do?

When others think of you, what do you want them to think?

What job in the wizarding world would you like to have?

What is your favorite color?

If you were going to play Quidditch, which of the following would you choose?



Like Harry, your Patronus is a stag! Stags are strong and brave. A Stag the most famous Patronus of the "Harry Potter" series!



Like Hermione, your Patronus is an Otter! Otters are known to be very bright and intelligent, just as Hermione was during the series.

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier

Your Patronus is a Jack Russell Terrier, like Ron's. Dogs are known to be very loyal, just as Ron was during the "Harry Potter" series.



Oh, no! You don't have a Patronus. It is thought that many Death Eaters don't have a Patronus, like Draco Malfoy. Conjuring a Patronus isn't a magical ability that is taught at Hogwarts. Better luck next time!

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