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Ten reasons why you should read The Road

English project

morgan simms
Created by morgan simms (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 26, 2015

Reason 1
The Road will challenge your grammar skills!

As a book filled with improper grammar you would think The Road would get confusing. However, the author, Cormac McCarthy uses his talent to train your eye in a way that the absence of grammar doesn't matter. He tells the story just as the main character would which brings you closer to who the character is.


Reason 2
It's original!

To many books have the same plot, reading the same story over and over can get boring! I assure you The Road is a story you have never read before. Filled with thought provoking and sometimes cringing scenes, The Road tells a story that no man has seen dreamed or imagined.


Reason 3
It's interesting!

I hate books of all kind and I actually read this one and like it! There's enough details to put vivid scenes in your head and yet enough mysteries to keep you thinking to the end and beyond. The Road is a book that keeps you reading.


Reason 4
It's unpredictable!

Just when you think the main character is about BAM! He shoots off some guys head! It's great! I mean the probably not for the guy that got his head blown off, but I as a reader did in fact enjoy the mini action pact scene that sneaked up on me!


Reason 5
It's shortish

Ginormous books can be overwhelming and cause many people to give up reading them. The Road tells a great story that happens to be told in about a hundred or so pages!


Reason 6
The Road makes you think

There's a lot of unknowns in this story, how this happened, why'd the author wrote that, who's this guy, etc. The book makes you wonder what the answers to these questions are.


Reason 7
The Road allows you to be the author

Since there are so many unknowns you can use your imagination to figure out what might of happened. This almost turns the book into interactive novel where you create based on what the author has created.


Reason 8
It exercises your emotions!

During this reading your emotions change like traffic lights. One moment your mad at the dad and then you feel bad for him. The next moment your in a sort of neutral mode and next thing you know your so weird-ed out that your seems like a lie then POOF! your back to neutral.


Reason 9

Oh my peaches! Every time this kid talks you just wanna give him a hug because he so cute and amazing and sweet! Not only is he all those things but he says stuff that's really brilliant for a kid his age living in his condition.


Reason 10

Ely is kinda a weird old dude you'll meet in the middle'ish of the story and who doesn't like stories with weird old people? No one that's who. I myself aren't an old people person but if they're kinda weird you just can't go wrong. Ely plays a small role but without him I can't say the book would be the same.

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