Пройди тест и узнай уровень своего английского
Пройди тест и узнай уровень своего английского
Вместе с преподавателями ISay составили тест из 25 вопросов, который приблизительно определит ваш уровень владения языком.
Вместе с преподавателями ISay составили тест из 25 вопросов, который приблизительно определит ваш уровень владения языком.

Where do you study?
When do you want to go to the cafe?
I’m going to live with my parents next week.
That old saucepan will come in ...... when we go camping.
Would you prefer some wine or beer?
I really enjoy novels that are ...... in the distant future.
Let's have dinner now.
The light is off. He .... have already left.
The farmhouse was so isolated that they had to generate their own electricity ......
When a car pulled out in front of her, Jane did well not to ...... control of her bicycle.
The snow was ...... heavily when I left the house.
According to Tom’s ...... the plane leaves at 9 o'clock.
The students are ...... good progress with their English.
She is now taking a more positive ...... to her studies and should do well.
He is often seemed to take ...... at my jokes on his nose.
What differences are there ...... the English spoken in the UK and the English spoken in the US?
I started to get angry with him because he was late ...
When you stay in a country for some time you get used to the people's ...... of life.
... you get your certificate, they will offer you this position next weekend.
My friends ...... their new house for two weeks now.
A local politician has agreed to ...... the school team with football shirts.
Anyone ...... after the start of the play is not allowed in until the interval.
I didn't ...... talking to Sarah that night so I left the party earlier
The judge said that those prepared to...... in crime must be ready to suffer the consequences.
You should not have children if you are not ...... to take care of it.