Could you pass GCSE maths?
Could you pass GCSE maths?
Reckon you could still scrape a pass in a foundation maths GCSE exam? Have a go at our quick quiz – if you think you're hard enough...
Reckon you could still scrape a pass in a foundation maths GCSE exam? Have a go at our quick quiz – if you think you're hard enough...

Adam and Matthew each run five races. Here are Adam’s times in minutes: 44, 50, 44, 48, 43.
Matthew has a mean time of 47 minutes.
Who has the lower mean time?
A pet shop had 40 rabbits. 22 were male. The others were female. The shop sold 10 of the rabbits. The probability that a rabbit picked at random is male is now 1/2. How many FEMALE rabbits were sold?
A number is between 30 and 60, even, and a multiple of 7. What are the TWO possible numbers?
Complete the shopping bill. 0.5 kg carrots at 98p per kg + 2.5 kg potatoes at £1.50 per kg =
The diagram shows a triangular prism. Write down the number of faces, edges and vertices.
A wheel has diameter 0.7m. Work out the circumference.