Do You Remember Everyone in Ellen's Oscar Selfie?
Do You Remember Everyone in Ellen's Oscar Selfie?
It's only been two years; you can do it.
It's only been two years; you can do it.

Created by MTV
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 11
Who's behind the 😳? (Wide eyes emoji)
2 / 11
Who's behind the 😘? (Blowing a kiss emoji)
3 / 11
Who's behind the 😊? (Smiling without teeth emoji)
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Who's behind the 😂? (Laughing with tears coming out emoji)
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Who's behind the 😍? (Heart eyes emoji)
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Who's behind the 😉? (Winking emoji)
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Who's behind the 😋? (Tongue out, mouth closed emoji)
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Who's behind the 😎? (Sunglasses emoji)
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Who's behind the 😏? (Smirking, giving side eye emoji)
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Who's behind the 😜? (Winking with tongue out emoji)
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Who's behind the 😄? (Smiling with teeth emoji)
Questions left
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These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021