How Tayvin Is Your Love, Really? [Quiz]
How Tayvin Is Your Love, Really? [Quiz]
Whether it's brunch Tayvin or awards show Tayvin, your love is measurable -- and we're here to measure it. Definitively.
Whether it's brunch Tayvin or awards show Tayvin, your love is measurable -- and we're here to measure it. Definitively.

What's the first text you send bae in the morning?
After a weekend away from bae, what’s the first activity you do together?
Quick! Pick a "How Deep Is Your Love" version.
What's your position on sharing a cherry Slurpee?
When you hang with bae, your ideal outfit is...
Drake or Meek Mill?
What's your ideal night out with bae?
It's bae's b-day. Whatcha giftin'?
Time to get a dog. Which pooch?
Speaking of, what's your pet name for bae?
Whispering Sweet Nothings Tayvin
Whispering Sweet Nothings Tayvin
You're a lover at heart, but you're more concerned with making sure you don't SEEM like a lover on the surface. You play it cool until you can't anymore and your lips give way to a cute smile. Own it.
Giggling At Texts Tayvin
Giggling At Texts Tayvin
You're taking it slow but still having fun snickering at goofy/adorable YouTube videos in public, because that's what being in love -- and being in Tayvin -- is all about.
Power Tavyin
Power Tavyin
Congratulations -- your Tayvin could not get any deeper, even if you tried! You've reached the pinnacle of relationship dynamics and can now celebrate via your preferred method. We recommend brunch.
Sensual Hug Tayvin
Sensual Hug Tayvin
So close, so VERY close to Tayvin perfection -- but still not quite there. You're there for the other person and you share intimate moments, and that's good. You both just have a teeny bit more growing up to do.
Still Hanging With Outsider Friends Tayvin
Still Hanging With Outsider Friends Tayvin
Meh. You've got quite a ways to go in your Tayvin journey. Try to get some alone time with bae away from friends and anyone else who might disrupt your ~vibes~.