How Well Do You Remember 'Adventureland'?
How Well Do You Remember 'Adventureland'?
Test your memory of Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenberg's first on-screen collaboration.
Test your memory of Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenberg's first on-screen collaboration.

Created by MTV
On Aug 5, 2015
1 / 14
What year does the story take place?
2 / 14
Why does James' graduation trip get cancelled?
3 / 14
Which grad school is Brennan heading to in the fall?
4 / 14
What did Brennan major in?
5 / 14
Why is Frigo celebrating here?
6 / 14
Which of these is NOT an actual "fix" to prevent people from winning a giant ass panda at the park?
7 / 14
Who did Connell supposedly jam with?
8 / 14
What does James want to do for a living?
9 / 14
Which song do they play ad nauseum in the park?
10 / 14
Why does Lisa P. come back to work at the park?
11 / 14
What is the name of the club they all go to?
12 / 14
Why does Sue end it with Joel so quickly?
13 / 14
Where do Em and Connell go to get together?
14 / 14
Why does Em quit Adventureland?
Questions left
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