How Well Do You Know The Lyrics To Lindsay Lohan's 'Rumors'?
How Well Do You Know The Lyrics To Lindsay Lohan's 'Rumors'?
You probably know the lyrics to LiLo's "Rumors," right? At least, you know the chorus. Ignore the paps and take this quiz.
You probably know the lyrics to LiLo's "Rumors," right? At least, you know the chorus. Ignore the paps and take this quiz.

Saturday steppin' into the club/ The music makes me wanna tell the DJ: ______________
I feel the energy all around/ And my body can't stop _______________
But I can tell that you're watching me/ And you're probably gonna ______ what you didn't see
Well I just need a little space to breathe/ Can you please respect my _______
Why can't you just let me/ ___ the things I wanna ___
I just wanna be me/ I don't understand why _____________________
I'm only having fun/ I'm gonna __________
I'm tired of ______ starting
I'm sick of being _____
I'm tired of people _____
Saying what they want about ____
Why can't they ____________
Why can't they let me _____
I'm gonna do it my way/ __________________