What Nickname Would Cisco Ramon Give You On "The Flash?"
What Nickname Would Cisco Ramon Give You On "The Flash?"
Are you a Scarlet Sloth, or more of a Professor Chilltown? Find out, via our handy-dandy Cisco Ramon metahuman moniker quiz!
Are you a Scarlet Sloth, or more of a Professor Chilltown? Find out, via our handy-dandy Cisco Ramon metahuman moniker quiz!

Are you particularly attached to a certain color?
How about alliteration, are you absolutely attached to that?
Is it crucial for your name to have a strong slash overtly obvious theme?
What stopped you from taking on The Flash before?
You just survived the particle accelerator, and now you've woken up with new powers. What do you do first?
What's your number one must-have accessory?
What's your very best trait?
And on the other end, what's your biggest weakness?
You're Scarlet Sloth!
You're Scarlet Sloth!
You like to wear red, and you're also really lazy, so it's a good thing you can control human beings using your TV remote, from the comfort of your own home.
You're Professor Chilltown!
You're Professor Chilltown!
You're chill as hell. But you also use your powers to make people feel so high they can't think, feel or move, which sounds a whole lot more fun than it actually is.
You're Four-Eyes!
You're Four-Eyes!
Those glasses you wear might LOOK innocent enough, but really, you're using them to see through any substance -- be it a wall, a security mainframe, or a human being, cause you can totally read minds now. They also shoot lasers, because why not?
You're Doctor Darkness!
You're Doctor Darkness!
Man, you are evil AF. You're so evil that just being around you plunges every mortal soul into a state of unfathomable darkness, usually resulting in mass suicide. Yikes.
You're the Violet Vibrator!
You're the Violet Vibrator!
Hey there, sexy villain. You seem like someone who would A, wear purple, and B, vibrate the multiverse with their ~ mind ~ , causing mayhem that will one day destroy The Flash!
You're Time Crunch!
You're Time Crunch!
You just never have enough time to get things done -- it's a good thing you can now manipulate the time vortex to literally create extra hours in the day... hours that will be used to DESTROY THE WORLD.
You're Mister Twister!
You're Mister Twister!
You strike me as someone who makes tornadoes with their brain.
You're Meatball Menace!
You're Meatball Menace!
It's a good thing your love of Italian food translates into an evil metahuman power -- specifically, the power to kill or maim your enemies with explosive meatballs.