What's The Saddest Moment In 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'?
SPOILERS! Between all the explosions and quips, what moment in the latest "Star Wars" movie made you shed the most tears?
Finn watches the village get slaughtered.
Rey eats her half portion dinner alone.
BB-8 hears Poe died.
Rey sees greenery for the first time.
Finn leaves Rey at Maz Kanata’s watering hole.
Maz tells Rey her parents aren’t coming back.
Han and Leia reunite.
BB-8 tries to wake up R2-D2, can’t.
Han and Leia say goodbye for the last time.
Han Solo dies.
Han puts his hand on Kylo’s cheek.
Rey screams “No!” after Han dies.
Leia feels Han dying with the Force.
Chewbacca flies the Millennium Falcon solo (no pun intended)
Finn gets knocked into a coma
Rey and Leia hug away from the cheering crowd.
Luke sees Rey for the first time.