Which Amanda Bynes Character From 'The Amanda Show' Are You?
Which Amanda Bynes Character From 'The Amanda Show' Are You?

On a scale of Meh to OMG, how angry would you be if someone yelled this in your ear?
Which of these fake products do you wish was real?
If you were on a TV show, who would be your co-star?
Which Drake Bell character is the best?
Which of these sketches was the funniest?
Who needs to be your BFF?
Which quote do you say regularly?
Who would be the scariest to attack you?
Judge Trudy
Judge Trudy
You're the honorable Judge Trudy! Unless you're causing the nonsense, you don't put up with any of it. You demand order and respect in your courtroom, and love a good dancing lobster.
Penelope Taynt
Penelope Taynt
You're Penelope Taynt, Amanda's #1 fan, please. You are the sheer definition of "obsession," but you don't care. You enjoy stalking celebs on Twitter and don't care who knows it. One day, you WILL meet them!
Amber from "The Girls Room"
Amber from "The Girls Room"
You're Amber from "The Girls Room." You're extremely popular and everyone wants to be your friend. You're a bonafide leader and don't like to get your hands dirty.
Moody Fallon
Moody Fallon
You're Moody Fallon, the girl who's mom was lost in a hot air balloon. You average about three existential crises a day. People tell you you're overdramatic, but what's that supposed to mean?
MAH-HAH! You're the eccentric Courtney. You enjoy yelling things at people, staring at them for long periods of time without blinking, and generally making everyone around you uncomfortable. Yet somehow, people still love you.