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Which American Girl Doll Are You?

Don't even give us that "I had all of them" nonsense. There can only be one.

Created by MTV
On May 28, 2015

First thing's first: what color are you?

What color of hair do you most associate with?

What was your favorite part of going to school?

Which retro dress appeals to you the most?

Which scenic locale appeals to you the most?

It's movie night! Which of these classics would you most want to rent?

Describe yourself in one, semi-cliched word.

What is your biggest hurdle in life?

You were a Felicity!

You were a Felicity!

Oh hey, Ms. Susie-Student Council. You probably loved things like sports, horses, writing impassioned political opinion op-eds in the school paper, and describing yourself as "spunky." You may also have, or have had, red hair.

You were a Kirsten!

You were a Kirsten!

Hey blondie! You're definitely a blondie, right? Because nobody else really cared about Kirsten. But if you AREN'T a blonde and are instead just a huge Kirsten enthusiast, then you probably love working 24/7 and feeling like an outsider.

You were an Addy!

You were an Addy!

Congratulations on being an Addy girl, which makes you at least 10 times more badass than most of the other OG American Girls -- because you, my friend, had the guts to deal with extreme prejudice and literally escape slavery. You also wore hella tight jewelry.

You were a Samantha!

You were a Samantha!

Oh God, here we go. Congrats on being a Samantha. EVERYBODY wanted to be a Samantha. She had the best clothes, great hair, and the most money of any OG American Girl. You're probably really awesome, and everybody loves you. Go home.

You were a Molly!

You were a Molly!

Hey, Molly. You either wanted to be a Samantha but got stuck with a mom who gave you Molly (raises hand reluctantly), proudly wore glasses, loved World War II, or all of the above. Either way, be proud of your inner Molly -- though you suck at doing math.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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