Which Face From Nick Jr. Are You?


Created by MTV
On Aug 25, 2015

When you think of Face, what comes to mind?

Which of these was your favorite show on Nick Jr.?

Who would be your BFF in real life?

Real talk. Who is better?

Which of these makes you roll your eyes at the most?

What's on your mind right now?

Choose a color.

Face gave his pre-school audience advice. What would he tell his now grown up audience?

Too Happy Face

Too Happy Face

You got Too Happy Face! You're one of those people who is ALWAYS in a good mood, which is great for you, but kind of annoys everyone else around you. But whatevs. You do you and forget about the haters.

Average Happy Face

Average Happy Face

You got Average Happy Face! You're happy about as much as the next person, but you don't go overboard and creep people out with your happiness. Basically, you just came out to have a good time, and luckily didn't end up feeling attacked.

Smiling While Dying Inside Face

Smiling While Dying Inside Face

You got Smiling While Dying Inside Face! You put on a front that everything is OK in your life, when really you're just, "LOL, nope." Don't be afraid to tell your friends and family how you're feeling. Face never did, and that's why he talks to himself.

PB&J Face

PB&J Face

You got PB&J Face! If there's one thing you love, it's definitely food, glorious food. You get hangry often, and you don't care who knows it.

Jigsaw Face

Jigsaw Face

You got Jigsaw Face! Your life is a little out of sorts right now, but that's OK. Everything will work out just like Face said it would.

Crazy Straw Face

Crazy Straw Face

You got Crazy Straw Face! You definitely do things your way and don't care if it goes against the norm. The phrase "Imma do me" is pretty much your life motto, and 'Weird' is practically your middle name.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021