Which Hemsworth Are You?
Which Hemsworth Are You?
Find out which of the Hot Hemsworth brothers YOU are most like with this fun personality quiz.
Find out which of the Hot Hemsworth brothers YOU are most like with this fun personality quiz.

How many kids do you want?
Which bed should Goldilocks choose?
What's the ideal Hollywood career?
How do you feel about celebrities on social media?
How much scruff is acceptable for dress-up occasions?
What's your preferred mode of transportation?
Who would win in a fight between Ultron, a Capitol Peacekeeper, and Bane?
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Hemsworth
You got Chris! Which means you are family-oriented and all, but you've got some serious might AND pretty much everybody is picking up what you're puttin' down.
Liam Hemsworth
Liam Hemsworth
Hayyyyy Liam! You've got the charm to harm, but you're as good as gold through and through. You put your best face forward when it comes to work, but you've got a private side too.
Luke Hemsworth
Luke Hemsworth
You are sooo Luke. Which means what we see is what we get with you. You're a salt of the earth kinda person, who loves family and friends and putting on a big smile for anyone who cares to see it. Keep working hard, and you'll be crushing the game before you know it.