Which Jennifer Lawerence Are You?
Which Jennifer Lawerence Are You?
Are you ~ serious actress ~ JLaw? Kickass YA heroine JLaw? A different JLaw entirely? Take our quiz to find out...
Are you ~ serious actress ~ JLaw? Kickass YA heroine JLaw? A different JLaw entirely? Take our quiz to find out...

What do your friends say is the nicest thing about you?
... And on the flip side, what's one thing about yourself that you wish you could change?
Which statement best describes your BFF?
What do you like to do when you have a night all to yourself?
Which TV show are you currently feeling?
If you had to choose a workout, which would it be?
What about a treat yo' self snack? What's the FIRST thing you think of?
Finally, which of these is most appealing to you?
You're YA Heroine JLaw!
You're YA Heroine JLaw!
You got YA heroine JLaw! That means you're probably super brave and you DEFINITELY put others first.... even if you are just a little bit emo when it comes to your internal monologuing. It's cool, I would be too if I always had two cute boys fighting over me.
You're Superhero JLaw!
You're Superhero JLaw!
You're tough, self-reliant, and maybe just a little bit shady, which definitely means you're superhero JLaw! On the plus side you have powers and totally kick ass, but on the negative side, you might be a little bit evil half the time? Whatever, just have fun with it and say hi to Fassbender for me.
You're Awards Bait JLaw!
You're Awards Bait JLaw!
You're awards bait JLaw, which means you're probably putting on the wig and makeup of a woman 15 years older than you RIGHT THIS SECOND...
But seriously, you're probably very dramatic and slightly unhinged, but in a charming way, somehow. Hey, if JLaw makes it work, so can you.
You're Crazy Press Tour JLaw!
You're Crazy Press Tour JLaw!
You're crazy press tour JLaw, which means you're one Sour Punch Straw away from sending this entire day into chaos. On the plus side everyone loves having you around and makes GIFs out of every wacky thing you say, but on the negative side, you might have Dorito farts. Josh Hutcherson doesn't mind.