Which Joe Meno Book Will Help You Survive Back To School?
Which Joe Meno Book Will Help You Survive Back To School?
Because books save lives.
Because books save lives.

What do you do after school?
What class do you wish you could have taken in school?
What's your dream car?
What do you binge-watch on Netflix?
What's your excuse when you play hooky?
What's your must-have fall accessory?
What's your favorite fall activity?
Office Girl
Office Girl
You hipster, you. Pause that Belle and Sebastian record on your portable turntable and pick up a copy of this rad novel about two young artists in the pre-digital era of the 90s. There's also hilariously raunchy illustrations sprinkled throughout the book. Basically a dream novel for every millennial morning the analog world.
The Great Perhaps
The Great Perhaps
Your friends call you quirky, but they should see the rest of your family.
The poster child for dysfunctional family units, the Caspers take quirkiness to a whole new level. Dad is a scientist with a phobia of clouds, mom observes animals for a living, and their two teenage daughters tackle the infuriating world of high school through retro rebellion and old-fashioned prayer.
After reading this, another year of textbooks and teachers won't seem THAT bad.
The Boy Detective Fails
The Boy Detective Fails
Sherlock Holmes (the Benedict Cumberbatch version) is your spirit animal. Like the main character of this novel, Billy Argo, you live for your next sleuthing adventure. You see the most mundane and dismal tasks as extraordinary quests for truth..
Both heartbreaking and thigh-slapping, this book investigates life's big mysteries and may just make this school year a bit more interesting.
Hairstyles of the Damned
Hairstyles of the Damned
You're a child of the 90's and you aren't afraid to let your inner punk shine. This novel reads like an epic mix tape, complete with compelling and relevant themes like identity, racism, and the quest for happiness.
How The Hula Girl Sings
How The Hula Girl Sings
You're so cool, it should be criminal. Your moral compass may be a little off, but that only adds to your charm. Full of ex-cons, heartaches and hope., this book is strange, dark, mysterious and thrilling - much like yourself.
Tender as Hellfire
Tender as Hellfire
Just like the title, you're a tender-hearted teddy bear with a penchant for starting trouble. Stay on the principal's good side and read this rough and tumble novel about coming-of-age in a trailer park. Dough, Pill-Bug and El Rey del Perdito, the "King of the Tango," are just a few of the fantastic characters you'll meet.