Which Member Of John Green's Squad Are You?
Which Member Of John Green's Squad Are You?
Are you a Shailene, or a total Nat? Take the quiz to find out!
Are you a Shailene, or a total Nat? Take the quiz to find out!

Let's start with the basics: what does the squad love most about you?
... And on the flip side, what about you is just a litttttle bit annoying?
Which of the following are you most likely to post on your Instagram page?
Say the squad starts getting rowdy during an important event. What's your role?
If you could play any type of movie character, what would it be?
With which Pokemon do you most relate?
What's your number one style must-have?
Finally, what are you doing when you're NOT with the squad?
You're Cara Delevinge!
You're Cara Delevinge!
You're Cara Delevingne! Sure, you're the new kid of the group, but you're so well-traveled and sophisticated and ~ in ~ that everyone wants to hang with you immediately. So enjoy being magnetic and beautiful, I guess.
You're Ansel Elgort!
You're Ansel Elgort!
You're totally Ansel! Everyone's BFF and a lovable goofball; you're more than happy to share the spotlight with friends like Nat and Shai. Your role in the squad is to make others feel good and boost up your friends, so congrats on being a solid person, you.
You're Nat Wolff!
You're Nat Wolff!
You're Nat Wolff! An easy protagonist and all-around likable gal-or-guy, you're instantly likable and totally cool in a vaguely non-threatening way. You're also on the short-list for a lot of blockbuster movies, so that's cool.
You're Shailene Woodley!
You're Shailene Woodley!
You're Shailene! You might not be the flashiest member of the squad, but you're the first person anyone calls when they need some solid advice -- or, of course, a hug. You're also a total badass who doesn't play by society's rules, so THAT'S cool.
You're John Green!
You're John Green!
You're the man, the myth, the legend himself -- John Green. Seriously, the squad wouldn't exist without you, and even if your job of reining in the fun so the kids can finish their damn press tour is thankless, everyone still loves you so it's cool. Also, you really care about the feelings of youngsters and you deserve a medal for that.