What "Harry Potter" Holidays Would You Celebrate?

What holidays would the wizarding world celebrate?

Created by MuggleNet (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 25, 2018
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Spattergroit Awareness Day

This wizard holiday would spread awareness of one of the serious diseases of the wizarding world: spattergroit! Perhaps if the general public could identify spattergroit signs, Ron wouldn't have to explain his freckles. Newspapers could publish photos of the purple pustules and detail the possible cure and the threat it poses to uvulas. A supportive event could include acting out the cure by binding the liver of a toad to the "victim's" throat and standing naked by a barrel of eel eyes!


Hug a House-Elf Day

SPEW is the predecessor to this tea cozy-crazy holiday. Wizards and witches are encouraged to recognize the difficult hard labor house-elves endure every day. Hermione can finally host a cleaning event where people experience the reality of being a house-elf. Wizards are, of course, urged to hug a house-elf.


Anti-Werewolf Stigma Day

The wizarding world battles against werewolf prejudice by supporting the suffering victims of a werewolf bite. Werewolves are encouraged to speak in public and help others see them as human beings, not simply a dredge on society. Fundraisers would gather Galleons to make the Wolfsbane Potion more accessible to the werewolf community. Researching strategies that make Wolfsbane an affordable commercial product sold at every potion shop would be vital to werewolf progress.


Plentiful Pumpkin Day

There are already so many tasty pumpkin wizard treats to choose from! Why not expand their options? Halloween isn't enough. Here's a whole day to vigorously inhale pumpkin pasties, juice, pie, pudding, muffins, and so much more.


National Quidditch Day

National Quidditch Day would celebrate the sport through flying lessons, broomstick safety awareness, and matches— both amateur and professional. Exercise is important, even if it involves sitting for hours while hitting Bludgers toward the helpless kid on the opposite team.


Marvelous Merlin Ambrosius Day

The great wizard Merlin is a quiet presence in "Harry Potter". He was quite the powerful Slytherin. Children would learn the history of Merlin Ambrosius and Arthurian legend. Everyone knows the tale of Merlin and the Chinese Fireball he identified for King Vortigern. Was he an example of a historic Slytherin who was actually a positive force in the world? I think so.


Harry Potter Day

The most obvious of the holidays, Harry Potter Day honors the Boy Who Lived and Voldemort's defeat. The holiday commemorates those lost in the Battle of Hogwarts and teaches the dark lessons from the past to inform the future.

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