Should we keep using Angora rabbit fur for clothing?
Should we keep using Angora rabbit fur for clothing?
If you do not know, to get beautiful, soft fur coats, people will rip the fur off of these innocent rabbits. It is an extremely painful experience for the rabbits to go through, most of them dying in the process. So, fashion, or keeping nature happy?
If you do not know, to get beautiful, soft fur coats, people will rip the fur off of these innocent rabbits. It is an extremely painful experience for the rabbits to go through, most of them dying in the process. So, fashion, or keeping nature happy?
Created by mulanne (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 13, 2016
Should we keep using Angora rabbit fur for clothing?
Should we keep using Angora rabbit fur for clothing?
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