Which DAI Alignment are you

From Dwarf to Qunari and Mage to Warrior, find out which alignment class you fall into.

Created by myadog3 (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 25, 2015

How tall are you?

How do you usually deal with problems?

What is your favourite type of weather?

How do you feel about other people?

How would you react to someone being rude to you?

Do you keep your quarters tidy?

What was/is your favourite subject in school?

How are you with money?

What kind of animals do you like?

How do you spend your Fridays?

Elven Rogue

Elven Rogue

You are an Elven Rogue! Whether with bow and arrow or dual daggers, you strike down enemies before they even see you coming.

Elven Mage

Elven Mage

You are an Elven Mage! One of the cunning warriors who command the battlefield from afar.

Human Warrior

Human Warrior

You are a Human Warrior! These stalwart soldiers hold the front line with sword and shield or battleaxe.

Human Mage

Human Mage

You are a Human Mage! Using, ice, fire, lightning or spirit magic to strike down their enemies, these clever battle masters control the field

Qunari Mage

Qunari Mage

Called Saarebas (Qunlat for 'dangerous thing') for a reason, these mages undergo arduous training to become the strongest person on the field. Their magic cuts deep, and few can resist the sheer brutality of their attacks.

Dwarven Warrior

Dwarven Warrior

You got Dwarven Warrior! These soldiers' short and stocky build is perfect for holding the front lines. With sword and shield or greataxe, you definitely dont stand a chance.

Dwarven Rogue

Dwarven Rogue

You got Dwarven Rogue! Whether equipped with bow and arrow or dual daggers, these warriors are easy to lose on the battlefield. Partnered with their deep-cutting attacks, these soldiers are extremely lethal.

Qunari Warrior

Qunari Warrior

You got Qunari Warrior! Standing tall on the front lines, these combatants bring sheer force to the battlefield. One hit from them and you will know why they are feared.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021