A Risk Factor or a Chance that Something can Harm Health
A Risk Factor or a Chance that Something can Harm Health

A Risk Factor or a Chance that Something can Harm Health
Few infectious diseases have gotten public attention. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is an organism responsible. The infection or disease is a major concern and can infect children, men and women. It is a chronic manageable problem. HIV is a sensually transmitting disease that damages the white blood cells that are important for helping the body to fight against infection and diseases. As the disease progresses, the immunity system becomes weak or gets damaged resulting in lack of these cells.
Signs and Symptoms
More than a thousand of people get infected with the virus. It gets affected by the backgrounds. It is transmitted through blood fluids, such as blood, ejaculation and milk. It gets transmitted through sensual proceedings. Needles, syringes and other shared equipment can also carry a risk of HIV and other blood-borne diseases. Routine social or community contact with the person living with HIV carries no risk of virus. It does not get transmitted through air or water, swimming pools or toilets, sharing of plates, cups or cutlery, coughing and sneezing or spitting. Receiving of blood, blood products, organ transplant can have the risk of infection.
There are signs and symptoms of virus such as flu-like illness consisting of muscle ache, fever, headache, swelling of lymph and other. The symptoms can be mild sometimes and it might be a severe condition for others. These types of symptoms are so common or related to other viral infections that the diagnosis cannot be made at that time. Untreated, virtually all types of virus infection leads to AIDS. It destroys certain cells within the immunity system (majorly white blood cells). AIDS occurs when the damage of the immunity system is great enough that it cannot stop or fight against infections.
HIV Diagnosis
Blood test helps in diagnosing of the condition. The development of antibodies of HIV in the body is done with HIV positive blood. The virus develops usually in a few weeks or months. While illness may not occur for months or later, without treatment, the virus can get severe and develops the disease. There are numerous other tests done for diagnosing the condition of HIV. These are complete blood count, liver and kidney function tests, urinalysis, tests for other STDs and hepatitis. Determining the overall state of health of a person is required for the starting of the treatment.
How is HIV Treated
There are different drugs available for treating the condition of HIV and are divided into two parts, based on the way they work against to treat the virus. Buy cheap Valcivir 500mg online to improve the quality life of a person. Not everyone gets the same medication for the treatment of virus or infection. It depends on the general health of a person. Although there is no cure for the virus, it has significant advancement in managing the condition. Multiple treatment options are available including anti-retroviral medicines. For different stages, there are different medicines available.
Valcivir 500 is a potential strategy adjunct to anti-retroviral therapy for HIV treatment. The medicine is effective as the early course of the infection. It sometimes becomes an expensive treatment for viral infection. The medicine works on increasing white blood cells in the body causing no sign of the virus in the diagnose. It provides significant protection and has gained prominence in its effect in treatment.