Which Soul Eater Character Are You?
Which Soul Eater Character Are You?
Aha! Here we shall learn who you match up too~
Aha! Here we shall learn who you match up too~

What suits you most?
What's your ideal weapon to use in battle?
Which would you be?
What do think of Blair?
Do you study?
What type of person are you?
Are you a leader or a follower?
What's your idea of an ideal time?
If you were to write a book what would it be about?
Are you bored of this test?
If you were just a random character in soul eater who would you try and beat?
What do you think of Lord Death?
Why would you want to become a death scythe?
Remember this. =3 ( Won't do anything at all LOL )
This is the last question!
You're Maka!
You're Maka!
You're a smart and studious kid. Who really likes to get #1 on tests and is extremely determined! You're a winner but sometimes falls... but when that happens you just bounce right back up!
You're Soul!
You're Soul!
Your a kid who likes to just sit back and watch t.v. but will try their best when the time is really needed.
You're Crona!
You're Crona!
A shy kid who doesn't really talk much but when you do it's important. You're very smart and nice but is crazy as well.
You're Death The Kid!
You're Death The Kid!
You're a strong minded person that has an extreme case of OCD and cannot stop it. You are also very powerful and VERY smart.
You're Patty!
You're Patty!
You're a playful kid who loves doing things her own way and at her own pace. You're not that smart... but you're very strong!
You're Liz!
You're Liz!
You're not too smart but your OK. You're strong and do well with a partner. You can get along well with people but sometimes is just a pain.
You're Black Star!
You're Black Star!
You're an idiot... ( sorry but it's what you got xD )
You're very trusting and a good friend that brightens up the room and is very funny.
You're Tsubaki!
You're Tsubaki!
You're a kind strong person who is an amazing friend. You're very calm and can be funny. You get along well with people and is smart.