Could You Be One Of The Pretty Little Liars?
Could You Be One Of The Pretty Little Liars?
Complete this quiz to see which Pretty Little Liar you have the most in common with.
Once you get your results, head over to to get your very own customizable room filled with personalized content.
Complete this quiz to see which Pretty Little Liar you have the most in common with.
Once you get your results, head over to to get your very own customizable room filled with personalized content.

Pick your favorite activity.
Pick a fashion item.
School is great for...
Where do you want to go to college?
What kind of guy do you prefer?
What would you do if you had a mystery stalker?
What's your favorite color?
Pick a food.
Just like Aria, you love art, photography, and being creative! You’ll do whatever it takes to get the job done, even if you have to suspend your edgy bohemian style and dress as a candy striper to steal a certain someone’s autopsy report!
Do you agree that Aria is the best? Here's why:
If you can't get enough of Aria hit up the Pretty Little Liars Collection on myWebRoom: to get her style:
Just like Hanna you love shopping, being beautiful, and always dress to impress! Your witty sass helps you hide your innocence, but that same innocence might land you in an abandoned mannequin warehouse one day!
If you can't get enough of Hanna, hit up the Pretty Little Liars Collection on myWebRoom:
Want to keep up with everything PLL? Visit our blog and PLL room with 250+ websites dedicated to the greatest show on TV!
Your need for perfection may drive you insane one day just like Spencer! Staying in shape and playing sports is important, but you never let it get in the way of your studies! You have a super preppy wardrobe, but it's always on point!
If you can't get enough of Spencer, hit up the Pretty Little Liars Collection on myWebRoom:
Want to keep up with everything PLL? Visit our blog and PLL room with 250+ websites dedicated to the greatest show on TV!
Just like Emily you are a force to be reckoned with! Your unique tomboy fashion makes sure that you stay comfortable and chic! Out of everyone in your clique, you are the glue that keeps the squad together.
If you can't get enough of Emily, hit up the Pretty Little Liars Collection on myWebRoom:
Want to keep up with everything PLL? Visit our blog and PLL room with 250+ websites dedicated to the greatest show on TV!
Just like Allison you love to be the center of attention! You build trusting relationships, but secretly you are just using people to get you what you want! This manipulation will sometimes land you in hot water which may lead you to go into hiding!
If you can't get enough of Alison, hit up the Pretty Little Liars Collection on myWebRoom:
Want to keep up with everything PLL? Visit our blog and PLL room with 250+ websites dedicated to the greatest show on TV!
Just like Mona you are the baddest of the bad! Your rap sheet is longer than the list of contacts in your phone! You may not be the most trustworthy person, but when your friends need to get something shady done they always call you for backup!
If you can't get enough of Mona, hit up the Pretty Little Liars Collection on myWebRoom:
Want to keep up with everything PLL? Visit our blog and PLL room with 250+ websites dedicated to the greatest show on TV!