Which straw hat pirate are you!?
Which straw hat pirate are you!?
One Piece world, here we come! (Luffy is not added in the results because there can be only 8 results) :(
One Piece world, here we come! (Luffy is not added in the results because there can be only 8 results) :(

How do you prefer to spend your time?
Male or Female?
Which moto do you follow?
What about your past?
What kind of weapon would you prefer to use?
How's your outfit like?
Have you ever eaten a devil-fruit?
Roronoa Zoro
Roronoa Zoro
You have a serious and maybe distant personality which you prefer to show. Of course your personality is strong and you don't need any Devil fruit to prove it!
Nami is one of the smartest of the Straw Hats, which is probably the same thing with you. Looks like you like being creative or... saving money and being beautiful as every girl is! :D GIRL POWER!
You usually lose your temper in moments of emotional stress. Your cowardice is the result of your fear and insecurity, especially when faced with uncertainty. However you're not always like that! You can even supersucced without anyone excpecting it!
One of your most easily noticeable characteristics is the calm, cool, and collected manner in which you carry yourself. You tend to speak in a very composed manner, even in dire situations, and rarely act without thinking. You are more perceptive than you seem, and often tell people what they need to hear instead of what they want. Sanji's got a weakness in beautiful women, what's yours?
Tony Tony Chopper
Tony Tony Chopper
You are naïve and extremely timid towards unfamiliar humans, often acting like a child because do not know any better.he is easily impressed at things. Your cowardice can be attributed to your childishness and overall lack of trust in your self. You are more or less on a journey to define yourself, seeing almost anyone on your family or friends as a role model and in some cases, imitate their behavior. And you love sweets! <3
Nico Robin
Nico Robin
Like Robin, you seek the comfort and freedom to study the mysteries of the world. You are the quieter, more reserved family member, rarely having outbursts of emotions.You have a somewhat macabre side to you, and often point out gross or morbid facts. You will usually be the first to speculate that a friend has met or will meet with a horrible fate, often going into grisly detail. In other instances, you will express enthusiasm for anything with a horror theme. And you like reading! Pretty much like Mr. Fogg (from the book: Around the world in 80 days)
You are strong-willed, eccentric, free-spirited, and often have a blatant disregard for rules. You do whatever you want whenever you want, though usually wants little more than to protect those you care about and at times can appear very eccentric compared to most of your friends because of your strange mannerisms). Despite your strange and goofy behavior, you have demonstrated yourself to be among the most mature and reliable of your friends. SUPPPEEEEEEERRR!!!
You are an eccentric character with a distinct personality of your own. While you look like and claim to be a gentleman, you possess very bad manners. Of course you don't ask to see other ladys' pants! Despite this behavior you still are somewhat polite, usually referring to people using the respectful "Sir". You appreciate the simplest of things: from a gesture of kindness, the company of others, and walking in the sunlight after receiving your shadow back.