Deaf Awareness Week
Deaf Awareness Week
Enjoy this quiz to celebrate Deaf Awareness Week. To learn more about why your answers are correct or incorrect, please visit!
Enjoy this quiz to celebrate Deaf Awareness Week. To learn more about why your answers are correct or incorrect, please visit!

The correct term for a person with hearing loss is "hearing impaired."
An uppercase "D" in deaf indicates identification with a cultural and linguistic minority, native users of American Sign Language (ASL).
A lowercase "d" in deaf indicates the physical condition of moderate to profound hearing loss.
American Sign Language is a visual form of English.
Almost 95% of deaf children are born to hearing parents.
American Sign Language is a fully-realized language with its own structure and grammar, capable of expressing both concrete and abstract ideas.
Deaf children born into homes without language can experience the same 30 million word gap as children born into poverty because they share the lack of early exposure to vocabulary and learning.
The Deaf and hard of hearing communities are protected under the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
The first civil rights protections for Deaf and hard of hearing people came with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, federal civil rights legislation.
Family members should serve as interpreters in most situations.
Sign language is a universal language.
Almost 75% of hearing parents who have deaf children learn to sign.
A cochlear implant makes a deaf person hearing.
A language gap can affect employment, housing, important paperwork, education, health, and much more.
To get the attention of a Deaf person, you should yell/talk louder.
Alexander Graham Bell supported the Deaf and hard of hearing communities.
In ASL, the role of facial expressions, eye gaze, and head movements is primarily grammatical.
Fingerspelling is the same as signing.
All Deaf people read lips.
Historically, Deaf people have faced discrimination in job hiring and promotion, obtaining a driver's license without restrictions, getting fair insurance rates, and obtaining access to public services, information, and entertainment.
The proper way to get a Deaf person's attention is to walk around in front of him or tap her on the shoulder.
If your path is blocked by two signers having a conversation, you should walk through.
Historically, ASL is related to French Sign Language.
Talking without signing in front of a Deaf person is rude.
American Sign Language is used primarily in the United States and Canada.
Bridges for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing has been serving the Deaf and hard of hearing communities for over 90 years.