Are You REALLY Qualified To Vote In US Elections?
Are You REALLY Qualified To Vote In US Elections?
Are you smart enough?
Are you smart enough?

General elections for President are held every how many years?
Who is considered the president of the United States Senate?
How many branches of government are there in the United States?
How many US Senators does each state get?
Which is NOT a requirement to register to vote?
What's the minimum age to be a congressman?
How many voting members of the House of Representatives are there?
Who was the longest running president in office
What branch of government does the President serve under?
Which of the following government positions ranks the highest order of precedence?
The President has the power to nominate Supreme Court Justices, but who confirms the nomination?
Which of the following is not a member of the Presidential Cabinet?
How long is the term of a United States Senator?
How many of the 538 electoral college votes are required to elect a President?
Are Electors in the Electoral College legally required to vote according to popular vote of their state?
What's the minimum age to meet the eligibility requirements to be President?
Is there a limit to the number of Presidential candidates in a primary election cycle?
Are you planning to vote in 2016?
You can be the President!!
You can be the President!!
Congratulations! You ranked in the top percentile of political knowledge mastery! You're more informed about how the United States government works than about 87% of citizens and did exceptionally well on this quiz! You're more than qualified to vote in the upcoming election cycle, so please do so! Whether you're Democrat, Republican, Independent, or any other affiliation, do your patriotic duty and vote. Let your educated voice be heard!
Perfectly Qualified!
Perfectly Qualified!
Not too shabby! You ranked in the upper percentiles of political knowledge mastery! You're more informed about how the United States government works than about 75% of citizens and showed a fair proficiency for understanding of this country's democratic systems. You're qualified to vote in the upcoming election cycle based on what you know, but it never hurts to look up the questions you were unsure about! It's always best to head to the polls knowing all that you can. Whether you're Democrat, Republican, Independent, or any other affiliation, do your patriotic duty and vote. Let your educated voice be heard!
Nope :(
Nope :(
The fact you took this quiz indicates you care a great deal about what it means to be an informed voter, but you missed more than the average amount of questions on this quiz. No worries though! Caring about political knowledge is the first step on the road to preparing for the next general election, so use this quiz as a starting point for some basic research on the workings of the United States government! You'll be prepared and ready for the polls in no time!