Which TV Brainiac Do You Think Like?
Which TV Brainiac Do You Think Like?
Which one of your nerdy faves is your brain twin? Find out now!
Which one of your nerdy faves is your brain twin? Find out now!

Pick a pair!
Choose a superhero
Who's your geeky crush?
How do you deal with decision making?
Do you prefer Sci-Fi or Fantasy?
Which of the following was your strongest subject in school?
What were you like as a kid?
Sheldon Cooper
Sheldon Cooper
Bazinga! You got Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory! You share Sheldon's off the charts IQ and passion for your nerdy hobbies like comic books, video games, and science! You are an appreciator of math and science, using what you can see/head/feel/sense in person as the basis of your foundation rather than emotion. You're playful but rational and try to use pure logic to win all your friendly or professional debates often to your success!
Lisa Simpson
Lisa Simpson
You think like Simpson's whiz kid/prodigy Lisa!! You have a very observant personality, which might make you stand out from your friends and family at times. You have an inquisitive mind and just can't help but to ask questions to learn something new as often as possible. You care about truth and justice, and find yourself becoming an activist for what you truly believe in with logic and rationale on your side.
Dr. Gregory House
Dr. Gregory House
You think just like Dr. House from the hit med show House! You use sarcasm and wit to drive your interactions with others but it comes from a place of intelligence. Sometimes you get a bit of a god complex, but that's only because you're right pretty much all the time. After all, House had a job solving unsolvable medical mysteries, just like you similarly must have a job that requires you to use your head in ways others don't. You are the master of irony, and the go to person for anyone in need of logical advice.
You think like Spock! You're cool and collected in the face of conflict, and always try to cater your decision making to the greater good. You have a strong sense of morals and use your high intellect to navigate your life almost flawlessly. You think like Spock because you think logically above all else and value rationality when processing everyday rights and wrongs.