Can you guess the celebrities hidden in the scrambled pictures ?
Can you guess the celebrities hidden in the scrambled pictures ?
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Test how good you remember faces
He was the oldest actor to play the role of James Bond,during his modelling days, he was nicknamed The Big Knit,He served as UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.
American actress, producer, and former fashion model .One of the highest paid actress.
She is an Italian born Hollywood star, a five time Oscar nominated actress,she played the title in a biopic on a cookery author,She portrayed Amelia Earhart in a movie.
Indian actor playing a lead role in American TV series
Guess her ,Oscar winning actress is also a children's book author,Her actual name is Julie Anne Smith, She portrayed the character of the 2008 US Vice Presidential candidate in a movie.
He was the joint winner of an Oscar for Best Screenplay
His actual first name is Matthew
He was the joint winner of an Oscar for Best Screenplay,He is the co-founder of