What should your future job be?

Take this quiz to find out your future job!

naomileah49 .
Created by naomileah49 .(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Nov 3, 2016

Do you like kids?

What do you consider yourself?

Do you like animals?

How's school?

Did you play with lego as a kid?

what are you doing now?

Do you consider yourself a leader?

Are you comfortable with body fluids?

What's your style?

Do you want a job where you don't have to work everyday of the week?



You would be an amazing teacher all the kids would adore you because of your amazing personality!



You are serious but fun at the same time you dream of creating your own business one day



You are destined to be a doctor because of your loving personality you're gonna save many lives!



You are so creative and it really pays off. From designing houses to buildings your going to do it all



Your love of animals would make you purrfect for the job (pun intended) You love animals and probably already own some.

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