Are You Smarter Than A Middle Schooler?
Are You Smarter Than A Middle Schooler?
Test your intelligence against trivia that any middle schooler would know!
Test your intelligence against trivia that any middle schooler would know!

A honey bee getting nectar or pollen from a flower is an example of which type of association?
The North Star is also known by what name?
Which hand does the Statue of Liberty use to hold her torch?
What's the formula for the volume of a sphere?
What's the highest mountain in the US?
How many time zones are there?
Which of the following countries has the highest Muslim population?
What's the SECOND longest river in the world?
Which island country is not a part of the Greater Antilles?
What was the intergovernmental organization that preceded the United Nations?
When was the Declaration of Independence written?
From the mid-1600s to the mid-1800s, a city on Kyushu was the only Japanese port open to foreign trade. Name this port city.
About what percent of our bodies is made of water as adults?
This WWII military tactic designed to create disorganization among enemy forces known as "Lightning Warfare" is also known by what name?
What's the lowest point on Earth?