How well do you know the Lunar Chronicles?
How well do you know the Lunar Chronicles?
This is not your average "Is Cinder a cyborg or not" trivia. This is hardcore, 100% Lunarticness. You will never survive the onslaught. Cancel your date. Take off work. Delete all your contacts. You will full concentration in order to pass this test. Good luck.
This is not your average "Is Cinder a cyborg or not" trivia. This is hardcore, 100% Lunarticness. You will never survive the onslaught. Cancel your date. Take off work. Delete all your contacts. You will full concentration in order to pass this test. Good luck.

Cinder and Kai first meet
Prime Minister Bromstad is the prime minister of...
What color was Adri's lipstick that Iko used?
Which number is Wolf's tattoo?
Michelle Benoit was...
Wolf has a brother called...
What is the name of the tavern owner in Rieux?
When is Thorne's birthday?
The first line in Chapter 1 of Cress is...
The two people Cress and Thorne meet in the desert are...
How tall is Cress?
The last person Dr. Erland hears is...
Jacin's father is
At one point, Kai was
Winter's mother was...
Who killed Evret?
Cinder's full name is...