Which Helicopter Are You?

For Salty Nonbinary Persons and Sugary Allies

Natch Azure
Created by Natch Azure(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 11, 2017

Obligatory first question...Are you a boy or a girl?

Well that was a funny question back there wasn't it? Ahh it takes me back...What terrain would you like to fly over?

We can solve most of the world's problems by sharing honest...

Something tragic happens in a human conflict. Some people are seriously injured, there may be casualties. You...

Which is your favorite example of cultural affirmation of trans/nonbinary people? (Not which you necessarily identify with but which one you find most interesting.)

What's your least favorite thing about the "helicopter" joke?

If someone is skeptical or new to trans and nonbinary identities/issues but would like to learn more. Where would you recommend starting?

What's your favorite group of things (you might like more than one group but pick your favorite):

Out of these four options, which superpower would you most like to have?

If someone was breezing through this quiz just to be a downer and maybe write some chiding comments what would you say?

News 'Copter

News 'Copter

You're a news copter! You are likely more creative-leaning, with interests in writing, journalism and...Justice! You are also probably very talkative, but you also have a way with words. You try to see things from many points of view and your greatest joy is helping others learn or find answers. You have a natural sense of curiosity, are level headed though passionate, and may sometimes be more "sensational" than others. But when you are at your best you'll remember to be truthful and kind for others.

Doesn't sound quite like you? Well we did condense all of humanity down into only four possible groups...Maybe take this test again or make one of your own with more options!

Rescue 'Copter

Rescue 'Copter

You are a rescue copter! You are likely the kind of person who's first priority is helping others. You may also be a kind of pacifistic. You always try to seek a peaceful solution and you are frequently merciful. Like doctors, you have your own personal oath to "do no harm" even if you disagree with another person. Because of this, though you likely have a strict moral code you follow, you also are given to having a loose judgmental attitude. You often find it hard to judge people as "good" or "bad" because you value other aspects of their lives. When it comes to the body you are the heart. You try to extend empathy to as many people as you can, and from this approach you are always growing wiser....You probably are very pragmatic and level headed (especially in heated situations), but you always try to be optimistic as well. Even if some days that's harder than others...

Doesn't sound quite like you? Well we did condense all of humanity down into only four possible groups...Maybe take this test again or make one of your own with more options!

Attack 'Copter

Attack 'Copter

You're an attack helicopter! There are many jokes about attack helicopters (and by many we mean "one"), but you probably just grin and role with it. You're likely a fiery sort of person. You don't really "roll with the punches" so much as "punch until stuff rolls". You like to tackle things head on and preferbably with your physicality. Although this means you are likely brash and perhaps sometimes too aggressive and given to anger you are also deeply affected by your passions and your joys. You are very much a product of your emotions and many things that are your greatest weakness are also your greatest strengths (and vice versa)...Don't let the armor and weaponry fool you, you have a lot going on inside and maybe you should find more ways to express it....Chances are you are either in sports, or a fan of some of them. You have a lot of energy and are often fond of group/social activities. You are quite capable in your element and loyal to a fault, but can also be stubborn and prone to slow growth. Just as army helicopters are just as much about the state of the art programming and tech on the inside as they are about the guns on the outside - remember you are more than just your might. Your're awesome, and would probably LITERALLY fly out of a fiery explosion just for a friend.

Doesn't sound quite like you? Well we did condense all of humanity down into only four possible groups...Maybe take this test again or make one of your own with more options!

Double 'Copter

Double 'Copter

You are a double 'copter! (That's just our fun name for it, the proper term would be "Chinook helicopter"). You are probably a big softy. Sure you look intimidating, (and make no mistake you ARE a force to 'reckon with), but you're more of the "gentle giant" type. You've never been one to bother with fighting, though you aren't strictly opposed to it either...And you often come across a hard worker. Maybe you aren't the most imaginative, and maybe you don't have quite the same amount of empathy as the Rescue copters seem to, but you definitely are a helper. You enjoy getting tasks done, and enjoy it even more when those tasks are serving a greater task or purpose. People tend to know just the kind of person you are right away, you are direct and upfront and always honest. You tend to come off as serious a lot of the time, but friends and family know just how well rounded you are. There's a lot you're good at, and not much you're not at least decent at. You can be highly adaptable and its this trait which will help you grow the most as a person...There's an old saying that the best leaders are also good followers. This is very true of you. You know how to take direction and be a good team player, and how to support others when and where they need it most. You can pull a lot of your own weight, and even some of others. You always tend to pick up the slack where its needed for your team or cause and have a habit of multi-tasking.

Doesn't sound quite like you? Well we did condense all of humanity down into only four possible groups...Maybe take this test again or make one of your own with more options!

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