Where Should You Time Travel To?

This quiz will determine where you should go if you ever have an opportunity to time travel.

Nathaniel Campbell
Created by Nathaniel Campbell(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Apr 23, 2017

Which activity sounds most fun to you?

Which book is your favourite?

Which object can you not live without?

How would your friends describe you?

What is your favourite Disney movie?

You have a lot of homework, what do you do?

You encounter a bear, what do you do?

Do you tend to judge people?

Which emotion do you tend to show?

Where would you time travel to?

Pre-Historic Times

Pre-Historic Times

If you got this it means your longing for adventure and want to explore the exotic parts of Earth.

Age of Civilisations

Age of Civilisations

If you got this that means that you are a wise thinker who doesn't mind doing a little work.

11th Century

11th Century

If you got this it means you want to see the whole world other than just what your corner of Earth has to offer

Age of Kingdoms

Age of Kingdoms

If you got this you long to have more power and want t be king of the world, but you can get greedy or selfish.

Middle Ages

Middle Ages

If you got this it means that you are brave and willing to be loyal for a trusted person or animal.

Age of Discovery

Age of Discovery

If you got this it means that you want to find things that have been rumoured about, not caring if real or not.

Colonial Times

Colonial Times

If you got this it means that you are wise and like to keep things like they used to be. You are simple.

Industrial Wild West

Industrial Wild West

If you got this one it means you are violent but enjoy having a good time with friends and family.

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On Nov 18, 2021