How "Techy" Are You?
How "Techy" Are You?
Do you want to know if you are somewhat a tech geek or completely out of this world? Take this quiz to find out!
Do you want to know if you are somewhat a tech geek or completely out of this world? Take this quiz to find out!

When a new device is released you have to be the first to own it.
What best describes you?
When someone is wrong about something, you make sure they know it.
You are the "There's an app for that guy".
My computer has a bug, can you help?
My typical Saturday night is...
You use a real alarm clock and not your phone.
An announcement about new software a year before released excites you!
You regularly post on social media sites.
What car would you choose?
What does "technology" even mean?
What does "technology" even mean?
You hate technology and technology hates you. Simple as that.
You know your stuff.
You know your stuff.
You regularly keep in touch with technology. You aren't always the first to get the hottest device on the market, but you will get one eventually. There are only a few things that rank above technology for you.
Are you from another planet!
Are you from another planet!
You are really into technology and keep up to date. You have to be the first to get the new hot device on the market. If you had to choose between your wife and the technology world, you would hands down choose the tech world.