How Well Do You Know Your Spider Species?
How Well Do You Know Your Spider Species?
Think you know a lot about those eight-legged, web-spinning arachnids? Take this quiz to test your knowledge of spiders.
Think you know a lot about those eight-legged, web-spinning arachnids? Take this quiz to test your knowledge of spiders.
![National Pest Management Association](
How many types of spiders are found in North America?
Which of the following is not an actual spider species?
Which spider species is often referred to as ‘daddy long-legs’?
True or false. All spiders spin webs.
What spider is pictured here?
Which type of spider is known for the red hourglass shape on its abdomen?
True or false. Spiders are nearsighted.
Jumping spiders can jump up to how many times their own length?
What spider is pictured here?
Which type of spider often infests cedar shake roofs?
True or false. All spiders have eight eyes.
What spider is pictured here?
Unlike most spiders, which of the following species is active during the day and seems to prefer sunshine?
Which spider is poisonous when ingested during the first 18 days of its life?
True or false. All spiders spin silk.
The largest spider in the world can be found on what continent?
What is its name?
What is the fear of spiders called?
True or false. All spiders are dangerous.