Top Tips To Keep Wild Animals In The Wild
Top Tips To Keep Wild Animals In The Wild
Here are some helpful tips to ensure that no curious critters sneak in through the attic, basement or other susceptible areas of the home this fall.
Here are some helpful tips to ensure that no curious critters sneak in through the attic, basement or other susceptible areas of the home this fall.

Cut back vegetation
Squirrels and other small wildlife are known to use tree branches to gain access to rooflines, where they can then find a number of ways to move indoors. Be sure to cut back any tree limbs or branches that hang too close to the foundation. A good rule of thumb is to keep vegetation at least 6 to 8 feet from the roofline.
Keep bird feeders out of reach.
Ensure bird feeders are only accessible by birds. Squirrels, raccoons, opossums and even bears are drawn to birdseed. Homeowners should also place birdbaths where small animals cannot reach them. Birdbaths and fountains may attract wildlife to the property, especially in areas where water is scarce.