Why Material Testing is Important in Civil Engeering?

Naugra Lab
Created by Naugra Lab(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Aug 7, 2019
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Material testing is performed for several reasons. It helps to provide a wealth of information about the tested materials, prototypes or product samples. As per the civil engineering lab equipment manufacturer, The material testing result is important to the civil engineers, production managers, and others. Material testing is important for the following reasons such as:

It can meet the requirements of regulatory agencies:

Most of the materials of construction are used in critical applications and any failure of this material can cause extensive damage or injury. As an example, fasteners have a vital role in maintaining the safety of aircraft, bridges, vehicles, nuclear reactors, military equipment, and medical implants. Except for that, many jurisdictions have restricted the use of hazardous materials. Govt and regulatory bodies have taken advanced steps in this case. They have set compliance requirements which must be met by civil engineering lab equipment manufacturer. All the companies must adhere to these standards to prove their compliance.

It held to select appropriate materials and treatment for any application:

The quality of the materials is now as important as the reliability of the production process. Here the material testing helps to understand and quantify whether any particular specific material or treat is suitable for any particular application or not. You can find a wide variety of materials and treatment which are available in the marketplace. Here the testing narrows down the choices to the most appropriate selection for the intended use. In many industrial applications, testing is performed to check if the material is in a given standard or not and it also verifies that if the material meets other stringent criteria or not. Not Testing not only helps us in material selection and for choosing a reliable supplier but also it makes sure that the material received from a civil engineering lab equipment manufacturer is what that ordered. It also verifies the composition and elemental content of the material with its chemical analysis technique.

It can evaluate the product design and can improve specification:

Testing is performed to evaluate mechanical properties of any material such as strength, hardness, elasticity and fracture toughness. Corrosion testing is mainly performed to verify whether the material will hold up under given conditions such as humidity or a saltwater environment. If any application requires more durable as more corrosion-resistant metals, then it can be attained with the additional treatment.

It can verify a production process:

Testing is an important part of designing skill in the manufacturing process. As per the manufacturer, testing is not only conducted for safety concern, but also the companies are committed here for selling reliable products to minimize the risk of damage. Testing is also performed during product development to evaluate a planned production process. Here various types of nondestructive testing services are used to evaluate the finished product without causing damage to items.

Material testing also helps in failure analysis investigation to help in identifying defective products, inadequate materials and to determine the cause of failure.You can say this is one of the important tasks in construction.

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