Discovering Navajos Culture Through Sand Paintings
Discovering Navajos Culture Through Sand Paintings

Discovering Navajos Culture Through Sand Paintings
Navajo sand paintings, also called dry paintings, are, in the Navajo language, “places where the gods come and go.” In the sand paintings, the figures are usually representative of a Navajo mythological story and they depict objects like the sacred mountains. Sometimes, they are also illustrations of ritualistic chants and dances. Today, images of the sand paintings feature prominently on various Navajo Nation arts and crafts.
*The purpose
The sand paintings are traditionally used in ceremonies in which the people pray to the gods and ask for their help for things like harvests and healing. The most common reasons for creating a sand painting are to offer blessings and heal the sick. On special occasions like births and marriages, blessings are offered through these paintings.
*The surfaces used
Traditionally, the size of a sand painting ranged from 2 square feet to almost 20 square feet if made indoors. The ceremonial art form requires sand or similar substances to be poured onto a flat surface. If created outdoors, the Navajos made use of a dry, flat surface that was cleaned. If created indoors, the ground of a hogan, buckskin or even cloth sheets is used. A large painting took many hours to be finished and as many as 12 people worked on one. Sacred Navajo paintings are supposed to be created and destroyed in a day, between sunrise and sunset.
*The materials used
There are different materials used for creating beautiful sand paintings. Colored sands, as well as powdered or ground pigments from rocks and crystals, are poured on a flat base of sand. Materials like flower pollen, roots and cornmeal are used occasionally. They are usually mixed with powdered charcoal to create a range of different colors.
*The colors
The Navajos create a sand painting by using the five sacred colors. Each color has a special meaning and significance, and also, each represents a specific direction. For the Navajo tribe, the colors yellow, blue, white, and black were especially sacred because they represented the four cardinal directions and the four sacred mountains.
1.Blue: The Blue Mountains represented dawn and the South.
2.Yellow: The Yellow Mountains stood for twilight and the West.
3.Black: The Black Mountains stood for the night and the North.
4.White: The White Mountains represented day and the East.
5.Red: Red, which is also frequently used, represented sunshine and the Spiritual Life.
It is not possible to witness the true beauty of a Navajo sand painting unless you see one in real life. There are many online galleries by Navajo artists in which you can view and purchase beautiful art pieces that depict sand painting designs.
Author’s bio: The author is a blogger. This article is about Navajo sand paintings.