Leonardo Da Vinci Quiz
Leonardo Da Vinci Quiz
This is a Quiz about Leonardo Da Vinci
This is a Quiz about Leonardo Da Vinci
Who was the painter of the Italian Renaissance?
What time did the Italian Renaissance Begin?
When is Leonardo's Birth Date?
What is the Death Date of Leonardo Di Vinci ?
Was Leonardo the Painter of the Mona Lisa?
Was Leonardo a Mathematician?
Did Leonardo have a Airport in Rome Italy
Was Leonardo a Sculptor?
Did Leonardo have any childeren
Is Leonardo a Big Part in History
Was Leonardo full of Creativity
Was Leonardo from Anchiano?
Did the Duke keep Leonardo busy Painting?
Was King Francis at his Side during his death?
Did Leonardo Learn Anatomy?
Did Leonardo make things for the Pope
Where did Leonardo work at?
When did he Begin to paint the Mona Lisa?
How many Years was it until he Completed his all of his Paintings
Did Leonardo Make a Visit to the USA