What Holiday Film Is Actually About Your Family?
What Holiday Film Is Actually About Your Family?
Things get complicated around the holidays. What would your family look like on the silver screen?
Things get complicated around the holidays. What would your family look like on the silver screen?

How would you describe your family?
Pick a holiday tradition:
If your holidays were a genre, what would it be?
What archetype do you have in your family?
Pick a Holiday song to sing together:
Pick a classic Holiday book:
What are you having for dinner?
To really get you in the spirit, pick a costumed pet:
Christmas Vacation
Christmas Vacation
For some, the holidays need to be perfect . . . and therein lies the problem. Your family tries so hard to make the holidays special that they end up making a mess. But there's something special about that too, isn't there?
A Christmas Story
A Christmas Story
Sometimes the holidays can be an epic tale of tragedy and struggle. Your family tends to blow things out of proportion. But in the end you all have a good time together, and that's what it's really all about.
Families come in all shapes and sizes. While your family might be a bit, well, unconventional, you are still able to come together for the holidays and have a wonderful time together.
Home Alone
Home Alone
Your family is big and complicated and sometimes things can get lost in the shuffle. People and things get overlooked, and you may not feel like you can be heard over the many voices in your family. But in the end each and every person matters, and the holiday season can bring you all closer than you thought you could be.
It's A Wonderful Life
It's A Wonderful Life
The holidays are a time of reflection when we remember what it's really all about. Though the rest of the year life can be hard, and you might forget the true meaning of special moments, there's nothing like your family to remind you what is most important.