What Modern Horror Classic Describes Your Life?
What Modern Horror Classic Describes Your Life?
Scares are different these days, and so are you. Which of these new scare gems fits your life?
Scares are different these days, and so are you. Which of these new scare gems fits your life?

Have you ever had a supernatural encounter?
Which of these things would you do before going to sleep?
Do you ever have nightmares from time to time?
What kind of nightmares?
How many kids do you plan on having?
Do you believe in ghosts?
Choose a golden age horror film:
What genre describes your recent year?
What kind of music would play during the credits of your life?
You are the kind of person that really gets under people's skin. Your life is like a dream on the surface, perfect family and friends, but in your dreams lurks something darker. You are brave and good at moving on after trauma ends, but it has a way of coming back. Just be sure you're ready, because your past can pop up at any moment.
Paranormal Activity
Paranormal Activity
You are just getting settled in to your modern life. You care about making sure that all the right pieces fall into place, and you aren't too worried about bumps in the night. If something weird happens, you approach it with rationality. Even if strange things continue to happen (over and over, each year) you'll remain cool headed and use logic. Of course, when all is said and done, it may not save you.
It Follows
It Follows
You are able to find beauty even in the bleakest of places. Though the world around you may seem harsh and your future uncertain, you are happy enough to be where you are. You have a good support group of friends who always have your back, and you are unafraid of trying new things, which can sometimes be a bad thing. Life is ok, and you're doing just fine. Still, it might be good to look over your shoulder once in a while . . . something might be sneaking up behind you . . .
The Babadook
The Babadook
Life can be hard. For all the light, there is also darkness, and life is about balancing the two. Sometimes that darkness might seem overwhelming, but you know that there are good things in your life, and they are worth keeping any darkness at bay. Ghosts and ghouls aren't what you need to worry about, it's the real life struggles and hardship that are the real threat. But you are up to the challenge.