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What Ugly Holiday Sweater Are You?

It's not the holiday season without an atrocious garment to keep you warm.

Ned Bullock
Created by Ned Bullock
On Mar 29, 2017

What's for dinner?

Choose a celebrity holiday sweater

Who do you spend the holidays with?

Pick a holiday film:

What is your holiday drink of choice?

Choose a beloved holiday character:

What is your favorite holiday song?

The full tree

The full tree

This sweater, replete with fully decorated fir tree, screams happy holidays . . . perhaps a bit too loudly.

ugly Rudolph

ugly Rudolph

Everybody loves Rudolph. This sort of looks like him, right? eh, close enough.

Cat Christmas

Cat Christmas

This weird cat turtleneck is purrrfect for you this holiday season, you purrrrfect weirdo.

the Menorah

the Menorah

This ingenious feat of holiday engineering makes use of the arms a well as the body. It's perfect for you, the innovator, always making bold, if terrible, fashion statements.

Scary Santa

Scary Santa

This santa sweater is delightful and simply horrifying . . . kinda like the holiday season.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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