Which Star Wars Planet Should You Move To?
Which Star Wars Planet Should You Move To?
It's a big, big galaxy out there. What planet should you call home?
It's a big, big galaxy out there. What planet should you call home?

Choose a Star Wars spaceship:
What color lightsaber would you want to have?
Choose an element:
What would you want your job to be?
What kind of house would you want to live in?
Pick a droid sidekick:
What character would you want for your roommate?
Not everyone wants to live in a swamp. They can be damp, lonely places. But they also hold a kind of magic that other planets do not. There is power in this system, and maybe even answers to life's hardest questions. But if you're not in the mood for all that deep stuff, you can have a nice time with your closest neighbor, Yoda.
Endor is the perfect location for the ultimate outdoorsman. With seemingly endless wilderness, high trees, and kind wildlife (though you wouldn't want them on your bad side) Endor is a great place to live. Enjoy a high tree house and nightly bonfire parties with the locals.
May be both cold and desolate, but it is also an important planet where the rebels keep their secrets. If you want to be in on the action, then Hoth is the right place to be. It's cool in more ways than one.
The desert can be a hard, unforgiving place, but is is also home to many good and decent people, just trying to make a living and find some happiness in this wide, wide gallaxy far, far away. The wars of rebels and empires don't trouble a quiet planet like Tatooine, but amazing things can happen there (if you know what we mean).
Welcome to the biggest city in any galaxy. This sprawling metropolis covers the entire planet, making it the culturally-thriving heart of the galaxy. This is where Jedi and common people come to meet and decide the fate of the galaxy. This is where it all happens. In Coruscant, you're in the center of things!