Top 10 Most Notorious Insanity Defense Cases

Neely Strouth
Created by Neely Strouth(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Oct 25, 2017
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Insanity defense is where the criminal lawyers argue that the defendant is not responsible for the crime committed since the defendant was suffering from an episodic or persistent psychiatric disorder at the time of act. This article contains the top 10 most famous cases of insanity defense.


Anthony and William Esposito

These two brothers tried to prove their insanity by extreme behaviours (eg- barking, banging their heads on objects) inside the court. However, the court did not accept their defense.


Daniel Sickles

The first such case in the U.S. General Sickles pleaded temporary insanity saying that he killed his wife’s secret lover when he was enraged by her infidelity. He was acquitted by the Jury.


Steven Steinberg

He was found not guilty for stabbing and killing his wife since it was proved as a case of homicidal somnambulism/sleepwalking murder.


Andrew Goldstein

Pleaded insanity for his murder charges citing he was hearing voices in his head since he’s suffering from schizophrenia. Later he admitted that he was well aware of his acts.


John Hinckley Jr.

He successfully pleaded insanity for attempting to kill President Ronald Reagan to gain attention from the girl he was obsessed with; actress Jody Foster.


Jonathan Schmitz

He claimed gay panic defense, but was sentenced for a jail term of 25 years which was later overturned by the appeal.


Lorena Bobbitt

She claimed insanity citing clinical depression due to years of domestic violence for cutting her husband's penis and was acquitted.


Jeffrey Dahmer

Claim for insanity by this registered sex offender and serial killer was rejected and was given death sentence.


John Wayne Gacy

Accused for raping and killing over 33 males in Chicago. The insanity plea was rejected and was given death sentence.


Ed Gein

He used to dig graves and use human body part to decorate his home. Accused for murder and was found legally insane. He was given a life sentence which he spent in a mental hospital.

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